The benefits of upgrading your Mac with an SSD

If your once snappy Mac now feels like it’s dragging its feet, a solid-state drive (SSD) upgrade could be just the thing that will breathe new life into it. But even if your Mac is still running pretty well, the benefits of an SSD upgrade may convince you to make the switch from a hard […]

Quick facts about virtualization and the cloud

Virtualization and cloud computing are sometimes mistaken as one and the same, causing much confusion. For the record, virtualization is different from cloud computing, but these two technologies usually overlap. Virtualization Imagine a company with five servers, each assigned a single task such as storage, email, etc. If there were a spike in email traffic, […]

Know the 5 types of virtualization

Virtualization has become the cornerstone for almost all businesses today — and for good reason. It is the process of creating a virtual version of a physical IT device, enabling businesses to utilize their resources more effectively, while reducing the costs that come with managing and maintaining their infrastructure. Virtualization can be done in many […]

The cloud and virtualization, simplified

Cloud computing and virtualization are similar but not interchangeable. Both have their own benefits, so it’s worth learning how each technology works. With this knowledge, you can make the most out of your technology investment. Virtualization Imagine a company with five servers, each assigned a single task such as storage, email, etc. If one day […]

Tackling data storage issues in healthcare

Electronic health records (EHR) have enabled the healthcare industry to make spectacular advancements in patient care. But with this new technology comes concerns regarding privacy and security. While many companies are flocking to the cloud, some healthcare practices are creating better solutions with virtualization technology. What is virtualization? There are countless ways for healthcare practices […]

Free up Android space with these 6 tips

Living in today’s mobile world, you want everything on the go with you: from songs to photos and videos of your most cherished moments, not forgetting all the latest apps, and all of a sudden, you run out of storage space. Before you start to get panic, try reading some of the tips below on […]

iPad Pro feedback from early adopters

You may still be on the fence about whether or not to purchase an iPad Pro for your business. While you can find a lot of coverage on Apple’s latest tablet online, you may wonder what actual users think. Today, you’ll discover just that. CIO, a website that delivers the latest news and tips for […]

5 different types of virtualization

Companies of all sizes are embracing virtualization as a way to cut IT expenses, enhance security, and increase operational efficiency. While the benefits of virtualization are self-evident, many people are still in the dark when it comes to the many different types of virtualization. Here, we’ll show you some of the most common virtualization methods […]