Google suggests business-friendly phones

If you’re in the market for a new Android phone but overwhelmed with the number of options available, Google can help. They’ve recently published a set of standards of what constitutes a ‘business-friendly’ phone and has created a short list to help you decide. Google-approved devices Recently, Google launched Android Enterprise Recommended to make it […]

How to avoid Spectre & Meltdown attacks

Hospitals and clinics have been storing confidential medical files and patient data in highly protected servers. But unless patches are being installed, Spectre and Meltdown attacks could undermine the security of healthcare providers. Why is Spectre and Meltdown a big problem for healthcare providers? Spectre and Meltdown are security flaws in computer chips that give […]

New scam freezes Chrome to panic users

Con artists have created a new method of deceiving Chrome users by freezing their browsers and displaying a security notification with bogus tech-support contact details. Their ultimate goal is to scare potential victims and trick them into dialing the fake hotline number on the screen. The End Game The scam works by displaying an error […]

Simple security tips for Mac devices

Contrary to what you may believe, cyberthreats don’t only target Windows computers. Even small-business users can click a seemingly harmless link and become a victim of a cyberattack. If you don’t want this to happen to you, there are a few simple things you can do. Check your Privacy Settings Begin by making sure that […]

Use Single Sign-On to Tackle Account Sprawl

No matter how valuable your cloud subscriptions are, each new set of login credentials users are forced to create and memorize adds another level of inefficiency. With something called Single Sign-On (SSO), you can create one user profile that logs you into all your online accounts. If you’re overwhelmed by the number of passwords linked […]

Beware of the Meltdown and Spectre patches

Installing security patches is usually such a humdrum task that even the most inexperienced users handle it. Unfortunately, that has not been the case with the Spectre and Meltdown fixes. This time around, we recommend you skip installing the update and let an IT professional handle it for you. Unsecured data storage Spectre and Meltdown […]

Hardware flaws affect browser security

In the first week of 2018, security researchers announced that modern computer processors have a fundamental flaw called Spectre. If exploited, hackers could gain access to systems that store confidential information. And the most vulnerable to these attacks are outdated web browsers like Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox. What is Spectre? To understand this […]

Apple releases another critical update

While Apple products are renowned for being highly secure, they’re not completely immune to cyberattacks. Fortunately, Apple frequently releases updates to fix any issue that they’ve discovered. And if you have macOS High Sierra, you need to make sure you’re running the latest patch. Serious bug On November 28th, security researchers reported a serious bug […]

How MTD improves your mobile security

Cyber criminals will stop at nothing to attack your systems and profit from it…and they know there are vulnerabilities to be exploited in businesses that use mobile technology. To beef up data security, adopt a mobile threat detection (MTD) strategy. How machine learning helps Mobile threat detection is an all-around solution that protects the physical […]