Keep your business data safe by following these tips

Investing in robust data security measures is a strategic decision that safeguards your organization from costly cyberattacks. This blog post explores practical steps you can take to protect your data, ensuring business continuity and minimizing downtime in the event of a security incident. Use two-factor authentication Using a complicated password to secure your system is […]

Securing PHI: Best practices for cybersecurity

Protected health information (PHI) comprises data that identifies an individual’s medical history, treatment plans, and payment records, making it highly sensitive and valuable to cybercriminals. The importance of securing PHI extends beyond regulatory compliance; it is about preserving patient trust, preventing identity theft, and upholding ethical standards in healthcare delivery. To keep PHI safe from […]

How HTTPS helps you browse the web securely

Today, we rely on the internet for almost everything, from accessing work files and banking to shopping and staying connected with friends. But while the internet is undoubtedly invaluable, it can also be a dangerous place, full of cybercriminals who are looking to steal our personal information. And that’s why HTTPS is so important. What […]

Must-know cybersecurity terminology to keep your business safe

Cyberthreats are constantly evolving, and without adequate protection, businesses can fall victim to data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage. Understanding basic cybersecurity terms is crucial for safeguarding company assets and sensitive information. Here are some essential cybersecurity terms that every business owner should be familiar with to strengthen their organization’s security posture. Malware Malware […]

The importance of IoT security in healthcare

As the healthcare industry continues to be revolutionized by the Internet of Things (IoT), medical devices need steadfast protection from malicious cyberattacks, data breaches, and unauthorized access in order to safeguard patient information. In this article, you’ll learn useful tips on how to keep your IoT devices safe from these threats. Increase network security To […]

VPN: Why it’s important and how to pick one

In the past, having an antivirus program was enough to keep you protected while surfing online. However, that’s no longer the case today. To keep your online activity private from third-party businesses and prevent hackers from intercepting your data, you need to invest in a virtual private network (VPN). What is a VPN? A VPN […]

4 Ways to improve your online security

Do you ever feel like your internet security is a bit lax? Maybe you don’t have a password on your Wi-Fi network or you use the same one for all of your accounts. These risky behaviors can ultimately lead to a cyberattack. To mitigate this risk and improve your online security, you can follow these […]

Cloud computing in healthcare: 5 Benefits you can’t ignore

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate, and practices in healthcare are no exception. Cloud-based solutions offer many benefits over traditional methods, including reliability, convenience, security, and scalability. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the main advantages of cloud computing in the healthcare industry. Better data backup and recovery Data loss […]

Why you need a VPN and how to choose the right one

Today, just installing anti-malware software and a firewall on your computer isn’t enough to keep you safe as you use the internet. Nowadays, a hacker can intercept messages sent to and from your computer and steal the data they contain. This is why you need a virtual private network (VPN). What is a VPN? A […]

Tips to keep your business data safe

Losing or compromising data can be disastrous for your business. It can lead to reputational damage, costly lawsuits, and termination of contracts, among others. And because threats to data security are always present online, it’s important to implement tough security measures that will keep your business data safe 24/7. Here are some tried-and-tested methods to […]